Before solving the issue of the declining rate of bees, it is important to understand what the honey bee's threats are. After extensive research experts have pinpointed major issues threatening the bees.

Just as humans are affected by diseases, honey bee colonies are threatened due to many different diseases. Some diseases affect small amounts of the population or go unnoticed, while others may destroy a whole colony. The biggest threat and highly contagious disease colonies face is American Foulbrood. It affects larva who eat spore-spreading bacteria. Despite only affecting larva, it wreaks havoc on the whole hive due to its lack of treatment. The only way to rid the infection is to burn the whole colony and its equipment.
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): An unknown issue that causes honeybees to abandoned a healthy looking hive. There are many theories on the cause of this disease. Click here to read more about CCD.
Animals & Pests:
Bee's have plenty of animals to fight off, no matter the seasons. From mice and moths to termites and yellow jacks and even bears! Pooh isn't the only bear that loves honey...
Both diseases and pests are natural threats the bees are facing.

Despite having natural threats, bees are
also being threatened by humans because
of our lifestyle choices. For a detailed list
of common lifestyle choices affecting the
bees, please click here.