Human activities are causing the "bee-pocalypse".
Every year pollinators, such as butterflies, moths, beetles, insects, and bees (over 20,00 species including honey bees) supply humans with over $550 billion worth of produce.
The agriculture industry and production choices of humans are leading to an increasing death rate of bees and other pollinators. In the U.S. and Europe, beekeepers report annual losses of 30% or higher to their hives.
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is affecting hives all over the world. It is an unknown, sudden death of hives for no apparent reason. The bees are often found parasite and mite free, with their hives healthy and honey supply still intact. Extensive research has been done on this subject and you can read more about CCD here.
Aside from CCD, the extensive use of pesticides and neonicotinoid, an insecticide, is affecting bee populations. Neonicotinoid is used on a majority of crops such as corn, leafy greens, fruits, potatoes, and other common household produce. Bees are brought into farms to pollinate crops, there is no way for them to escape the harsh effects of this insecticide. Not only are the bees facing this issue on farms, but neonicotinoids are used in landscaping, commercial pesticide products, and home gardens. The insecticide attacks incests nervous systems. The benefit to neonicotinoid is that it stays with the seed, through the roots, and plant for it's whole "lifespan". Because of this humans come in contact with it much more than pesticides that are sprayed on crops. Aside from the negative effects on pollinators and the environment, this pesticide could be negatively affecting us as well. The pesticide industry refuses to acknowledge the claims of beekeepers and environmentalists that this insecticide is killing important pollinators and leading to a devastating decrease in the pollinator population.
The loss of pollinators is not just affecting beekeepers, but humans will begin to see changes. Produce prices will skyrocket, there will be a loss in production of produce and the agriculture industry will suffer a great loss. Click here to read more about the effect pesticides will have on the agriculture industry.