I would like to credit the following sources and researchers for helping to contribute their knowledge and finding to my blogs.
All photos are labeled for reuse and linked to their original sites.
“Bumble Bee Species Declared Endangered in the U.S. for First Time.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/bumble-bee-species-declared-endangered-u-s-first-time-n706321.
“Declining Bee Populations Pose a Threat to Global Agriculture.” Yale E360, e360.yale.edu/features/declining_bee_populations_pose_a_threat_to_global_agriculture.
Ellis, Jamie. “Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in Honey Bees.” EDIS New Publications RSS, Entomology and Nematology, 2 Apr. 2018, edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in720.
Watanabe, and Myrna E. “Colony Collapse Disorder: Many Suspects, No Smoking Gun | BioScience | Oxford Academic.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 May 2008, academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/58/5/384/234594.
Winfree, Rachel, et al. “Effect of Human Disturbance on Bee Communities.” Nature.berkeley.edu, nature.berkeley.edu/kremenlab/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Effect-of-human-disturbance-on-bee-communities-in-a-forested-ecosystem.pdf .